[Information on online lessons by professors and musicians from overseas music colleges]

[Information on online lessons by professors and musicians from overseas music colleges]

[Online lessons by professors and musicians from overseas music colleges]

* Lecturer update from time to time Check it out!

There is a great possibility that lessons will be OK on dates other than those set in the itinerary!

Please feel free to contact us! !!

Please see the following page link for the latest information after July 2020.



Hello!Music study abroad and vision.

We believe that the recent impact of the new virus has had a great impact on everyone in various places.

The public lessons scheduled for April and May at And Vision did not come true for sensei, and all of them were cancelled.

I think that those who were thinking of studying abroad for music in the fall of this year or the spring of next year are in a situation where the future is uncertain.


In response to the requests of such customers and sensei, And Vision has started full-scale online lessons by professors and musicians from overseas music colleges!The instructors are all famous people!Until now, I haven't done online lessons, but taking this opportunity ... sensei is also here.

Of course, we can arrange an interpreter, so if you are worried about your language, you can take it with confidence.


◇ ◆ Recommended points for online lessons ◆ ◇


① You can take lessons from overseas professors in Japan!

② You can search for sensei for long-term study abroad in Japan!

③ Depending on how you combine, you can take lessons with two different sensei a day!

<< Example [Piano]: Monday XNUMX: XNUMX-Stone sensei, XNUMX: XNUMX-Semilyakovs sensei, etc. >>

④ Because it is online, it is a private specification. Lessons with sensei, monopolize the piano practice room!


Please see the itinerary and instructor list!


There is a great possibility that lessons will be available on dates other than those set in the itinerary!

Please feel free to contact us! !!


XNUM X year X NUM X schedule

Monday Tuesdays Wednesday Thursday Friday, Except public holidays Saturday Sunday
 1  2 3 4 5 6 7
    17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Thomas Hell
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Rainer Trost
16: 00 ~ / 17: 00 ~ / 18: 00 ~

Tillman Vic
Please contact us Please contact us
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
16: 00 ~ / 17: 00 ~ / 18: 00 ~

Erwin Clambauer
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~
Bernhard Partz
16; 00 ~ / 17: 00 ~
/ 18: 00 ~

Uwe Keller
15: 0 ~ / 16: 00 ~ 17: 00 ~ / 18: 00 ~
Ivan Yanakov
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Alex Pender
Please contact us Please contact us
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Colin stone
16: 00 ~ 17: 00 ~
18: 00 ~
Pierre Reach
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Ilya Szeps
* Time inquiry

Christopher Hinterhuber
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Jean-Francois Luchon
Please contact us Please contact us
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
18: 00 ~

Konstantin Semilakovs
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Rainer Trost
16: 00 ~ / 17: 00 ~ / 18: 00 ~

Birgit Kolar
16: 00 ~ / 17: 00 ~ / 18: 00 ~

Alberto Mora
* Time inquiry 

Christopher Hinterhuber
Please contact us Please contact us
29 30          
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Ilya Szeps
17: 00 ~ 18: 00 ~

Colin stone


There is a great possibility that lessons will be available on dates other than those set in the itinerary!

Please feel free to contact us! !!

[Details of the instructors]


【piano】 * Updated on June 6nd!

~ Germany ~

● Ilya Sheps / Professor, Cologne University of Music

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● VuWolfram Schmidt-Leonardi / Professor, Mannheim University of Music

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Thomas Woolman / Lecturer, University of Music Munich

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Piotr Ozkowski / Professor, University of Music in Detmold

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~

● Thomas Hell / Professor, Mainz University of Music

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Austria ~

● Christopher Hinterhuber / Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 

Adjusting time

● Constantine Semilyakovs / Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

18: 00 ~

● Romantic Zaslavsky / Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Yang Gottlieve Iracheck / Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Updated on June 6nd!)

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~, 19: 00 ~

● Mirana Cernyavska / Professor, Graz University of Music

※Please contact us

● Bernhard Partz / Professor, University of Music and Arts, Vienna

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Russia ~

● Dimitri Caprin / Tchaikovsky Memorial National Moscow Conservatory Associate Professor 

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Peter Raul / Associate Professor, St. Petersburg Conservatory 

18: 00 ~

● Ivan Yanakov / World-class pianist

15: 00 ~, 16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Spain ~

● Pierre Leak / Professor, Conservatory of Music, Catalonia

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~ 


~ United Kingdom ~

● Colin Stone / Professor, Royal Academy of Music, Royal Academy of Music

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~




~ Italy ~

● Rossella Redoria / Former Professor of Opera School, Bologna Opera

18: 00 ~

● Lucetta Bitzi / Professor of Parma Conservatory

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ France ~

● Jean-Francois Luchon / Professor of Cergy Pontoise Conservatory & Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Belgium

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Alex Penda / Active soprano singer / World-famous opera active singer

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Austria ~

● Rainer Trost / Professor of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, active singer (Vienna State Opera, Bayreuth Festival, etc.)

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~



~ Austria ~

● Birgit Kohler / Former Lecturer, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna / Former Concertmaster, Vienna Symphony Orchestra

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


【cello】 * Updated on June 6nd!

~ Austria ~

● Claudia Zaragar / Lecturer, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Urien Alp / Professor, Graz National College of Music (Updated on June 6nd!)

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Germany ~

● Tillman Vic / Professor, Hannover University of Music

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

● Shenia Jankovich / Professor, University of Music in Detmold

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~ * 45 minutes lesson



~ Austria ~

● Erwin Krambauer / Professor, Kunitachi College of Music, Vienna Symphony Orchestra

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Spain ~

● Albert Mora / Professor of the Catalan Academy of Music / Principal player of the Liceu Grand Theater Orchestra

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~



~ Austria ~

● Uwe Keller / Professor, Graz National College of Music / German Brass member

16: 00 ~, 17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~


~ Germany ~

● Uwe Komishke / Professor, Franzlist College of Music

17: 00 ~, 18: 00 ~

Please contact us as it is a charge for each sensei.(From around 30.000 yen)
If you are not a member of And Vision School, you need to apply for membership.
Admission fee: 30,000 yen (excluding tax) * Valid for 1 year only for the first time
・ Those who need an interpreter are 1 yen per hour (excluding tax)
・ Facility fee 1 yen per hour (excluding tax) ← There is no charge for using the facilities during regular online lessons!
・ Those who need piano accompaniment are 1 yen (excluding tax) per hour.
* Adaptation to arrangements for other musical instrument partners is also possible. Example: Arrangement for other musical instrument partners when taking piano accompaniment lessons, etc.
[Lesson location]
We recommend lessons in our well-equipped hall, but lessons at home are also possible.
* For lessons at homePlease note that the sound quality depends on the Internet environment of each home.
[Efforts for measures against new coronavirus infectious diseases]

Announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on May 2020, 5"New lifestyle" assuming the new coronavirusBased on this, And Vision is taking the following measures.

〇 Efforts of staff

・ Hand wash and disinfect immediately after going to the office
・ Hand washing and disinfection each time
・ If you are not feeling well, you will be absent from work or switch to telework.
・ Office management that keeps physical distance
・ Thorough ventilation in the office
・ Disinfect the office with sodium hypochlorite (in addition to regular disinfection, each time it is used)
・ Wearing a staff mask when meeting with customers

〇 Initiatives for customers

・ Requests for interviews, hand washing and disinfection when customers come to the office
・ Request for hand washing and disinfection each time
・ When you come to the office, if you are concerned about meeting the staff, you can respond remotely.

Details of infectious disease prevention measures for customers are described below.
We will respond in this way when you come to our office with online lessons.

Online lessons are basically private.Please be assured that you will not meet other customers.If you need an interpreter, you can also join the lesson online.

At our companyWorld Health Organization (WHO)We also check the latest information on the site and strive to thoroughly prevent infectious diseases.
Please feel free to contact us for the schedule and time.We are waiting for you ~!
-Place Tokyo Ochanomizu And Vision International Music School

-Inquiry application
TEL  0355774500
We also accept Line!
Feel free to apply as a friend to @andvision
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