Yoko Hadama / Professor, Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia / Rome, Italy

Yoko Hadama / Professor, Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia  / Rome, Italy

The "Listen to Musicians" section is a section where professionals who usually play music on the stage go down the stage and speak in words.This time, we will interview Yoko Hadama, who is active as a professor of vocal music, as a guest. I would like to talk about the theme of "studying abroad in music."
(Interview: May 2012) -Profile of Yoko Hadama-
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture, graduated from the Music Department of the Faculty of Higher Education, Hiroshima University, and completed the Osaka College of Music major.Lecturer, Department of Vocal Music, Music Division, Osaka University of Arts.Studied at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory and the Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome, Italy, and sang numerous operas at important national opera houses in Italy, mainly in Rome.After serving as a professor of vocal music at the Palma National Conservatory and Bologna National Conservatory, he is currently teaching Italian Belkant singing, Italian and French German opera as a full-time professor of vocal music at the National Conservatory of Music in Rome and Santa Cecilia. -First of all, could you tell us a brief history of Hadama?
Hadama I have lived in Italy for 35 years.I'm from Fukuoka prefecture.After graduating from Hiroshima University, I went to the advanced course of Osaka College of Music, and then taught at the vocal music department of Osaka University of Arts for two years.After that, I studied abroad in Rome and entered the Roman Conservatory of Santa Cecilia.While in school, he won first place in an international competition and soon started singing at the Italian State Opera.The main reason for success is that you have been selected as the protagonist of the 2st Rossini Opera Festival, a very important festival in Pesaro.That started when it was written in newspapers all over Italy.
-What made you become active as a professional singer?

He became the number one player in the Hadama International Competition, and when he was singing only Rossini's opera at first, he was selected as the leading role of Pesaro.After that, I was called by the National Opera Houses all over Italy and was able to sing at many opera houses.In Vatican, he performed in front of the Pope, competed with the European Youth Orchestra, and toured all over Italy.I was singing concerts, mainly operas.
After that, I took the national examination to become a professor of vocal music at the National Conservatory of Music, and passed by to teach as a professor of vocal music at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Music in Parma, Bologna, and now Rome.
-You're from the Conservatory.Did you have the opportunity to study abroad in Rome for the first time?

Hadama My friend came back from my study abroad destination in Rome and talked about the world of music culture in Rome, and when I heard that, I wanted to go.I wanted to go to Rome from the beginning.
-When did you first enter the world of music?What made you interested in music?

Hadama My parents loved classical music so much that I've been familiar with it since I was little.My mother was playing the piano and my aunt was playing the violin.
-You were a music family!

Hadama That's right.I learned various musical instruments from a young age.I also loved the piano, violin, flute, and singing, and I sang in various places when I had the opportunity.Being a musician has been normal for me since I was little.
-Why did you choose vocal music from so many instruments?

Hadama I loved singing, it was fun.You can't become a professional violin unless you study for 6 to 7 hours every day.I didn't have time to play, so I thought I couldn't be a professional on the violin.I wanted to play (laughs).Anyway, Bibache was an active girl.I also played sports and loved butterflies and climbing trees near my house.Since physical movement is important for singing an opera, the nuances of sports and gymnastics are also very important.I think that the movement of the body in daily life is small, but in opera it is important to move large.
Voice is still early when you are about 15 to 16 years old when you enter high school, so I officially started studying vocal music from the third year of high school.When I was little, I wasn't old enough to study vocal music, so I learned an instrument.The violin and flute were very good for studying legato.In Italy, it's called Cantare è legare, but it's especially important to sing it.Later, when I started studying vocal music, my senses were already in my body, which was very helpful.
-Everything you used to do is connected and useful.

Hadama breathing method has the same flute.It's a long, long breathing method that uses the diaphragm.I think it was an advantage to have experienced musical instruments in many ways.
-I was handed over to Italy to study vocal music, what are the good points of Italy?

Hadama Italy is the country where all forms of music were born, orchestras, symphonies, concerts, various musical instruments ... from here.If you live in Italy, you will find that the words themselves are very suitable for songs, and I think that those who study songs should come to study once.Because the words themselves are music.
All stringed instruments also start here.A culture that values ​​legato, whether it's vocal music or musical instruments, music must have legato, and sensei who play musical instruments also value legato very much, so I think Italy is the best for studying. increase.There are a lot of techniques in the United States, but I think Italy is the best when it comes to singing musical instruments.The United States is a country where technique is very important. In Italy, for example, even if the rhythm is a little strange, if (the instrument) sings a lot, it will be accepted, so it is best to do legato.First of all, learning legato is the basic.On top of that, I think it is very meaningful to visit other countries.
In the case of songs, most operas are in Italian, so if you don't live in Italy, you won't get the nuances.Because the composer composes according to the words.When people in different languages ​​sing an opera, it just gets weird.I think that those who study singing must live in Italy at least once.
-You also study songs from other countries in Italy, right?

Hadama Of course, I also teach German songs and French songs.French songs are very important here.But in German songs, the melody is the most important.Compared to Germany, the way of singing is different.There is a way of singing that can be put on your breath in the bel canto singing style.Breathing, now Germany has adopted it, but until 20 to 30 years ago, the breathing method was a little different.It's a little high, the place to support it is a little high, which makes the voice a little stiff.The lower the support position, the softer the voice.Since all resonance cavities are used, it becomes soft.Even in Germany now, I think that vocalization has become very soft after Hermann Prey.
-What's wrong with Italy?

Hadama The bad thing about Italy is that politics doesn't help.When I first came, the opera was open a lot and there was a season, but now it's really less.The number of orchestras has also decreased.I don't think it's really good.It's not very good not to spend money on traditional culture.There is no money in the country and politicians have a lot of bribery problems.Originally, if you invest money in culture, you will be able to return the money to travelers, but people who are only concerned about the immediate future or who cannot program based on a long-term perspective. What is it?
-I think there are places where you can go anywhere.The same is true in Japan, such as the signing campaign for the destruction of old theaters.

Hadama I'm really sorry.
-When choosing Italy as a study abroad destination, I think that many people choose it, especially for vocal music. Is there anything important in preparation?

Hadama First of all, please study the language.Very important for singing Italian songs.If you don't know the language, it won't be an Italian song.
In addition, it can be a movie or a TV, but please watch and study how Europeans use their bodies.It's completely different from the Japanese.It's very different in everyday life.I think it would be really useful if I could somehow imitate it.Japanese people have small movements, aren't they?Open your body wide.And never crouch.For example, when you drop something, Japanese people crouch down and take it, but that doesn't make sense here, so please do not do it (laughs).Don't sit down.You can bend your legs, but always keep your back straight and don't lower your hips.When I see a young child from Japan, when I write something, I immediately get angry (laughs).
After all, body building.If you do something, do gymnastics, sports, etc. to strengthen your diaphragm and come here, you should be able to easily become your own bel canto singing method.
-In the first place, do you have an image that the volume of your voice when you have a conversation is different?

Hadama Italians use the diaphragm to speak.The Italian language itself comes to the front of the face.I use the resonance cavity all the time, so it feels like a loud voice.It means to make it resonate.In the normal sense of Japanese, you can pronounce only with your throat without using the diaphragm.It's very difficult to talk using the diaphragm.It's good that all sounds in Japanese have vowels, but it's usually a vocalization that doesn't use vowels. When I say "mo", I don't think I should say "mo" to use my stomach.Consonants are also different from Japanese.
All you need to do is prepare your words, prepare your body-to train your diaphragm.
-Is there anything you should be prepared for when you come to Italy?

Hadama Japanese people are accustomed to honesty.Italians aren't honest, lies are natural, and I don't think it's a bad thing (laughs).If you don't really pay attention to that point, the national character will be different.The Japanese are honest and serious, aren't they?That's not the case in Italy (laughs), the opposite (laughs).Put it in your head, and you're still being fooled, well, it's trivial, but it's okay to cheat (laughs).For example, you'll go shopping for something small, the Italians will give you a little less change, the change isn't enough when you check your bill, and you've made a mistake ~ I'm sorry, I take it for granted (laughs).If you don't notice it, it's the same.That's why I'm a little tired (laughs).
-I see (laughs).I work in Italy. Are there any advantages or disadvantages for Japanese people in working?

If you are a Hadama singer, Japanese must make Madama Butterfly Madama Butterfly your repertoire.It's very advantageous because you can't sing unless you're Japanese.Can you sing Madama Butterfly when you see Japanese people?Will be asked.To be successful as a professional singer, you must be able to move your body like a European, or you will look poor, you have to move a lot.Charisma, the ability to keep people's eyes on you for a long time, is often born, so it's quite difficult to teach, but those who have that ability are recommended for expression.
-Is charisma something that can be cultivated acquiredly?

Hadama That's right.The environment in which you grew up also has an effect.For example, I think there are cases where only one student has a different eye, one person in the office has an eye, and he just sees that person. However, there are people who are born with that kind of charisma.Even if you are not born, you will be charismatic if you concentrate on the influence of the environment and study one thing, and if you love and study only that.I have seen many singers who suddenly change.Whenever I think about moving forward, getting better, getting better, I get charisma, and I need confidence. I didn't have it at first, but as I get more and more confident, my charisma grows.It doesn't matter what your race or origin is.
I think the seriousness and accuracy of Japanese professionals working everywhere are wonderful.Japanese people say that their national character is wonderful (● in Italian), they are serious, honest, and appreciated.I think it's good for Italians to be serious and honest (laughs), but when Italians have a chance to cheat a little, they do it right away (laughs).I think the Japanese nature is wonderful, but I can't (laughs).Japanese people who have worked and succeeded in each genre are highly respected.Italians should know what's great about it.
-Are there any disadvantages for Japanese people to stand on stage?

Hadama The movement is small.And unless the words are transmitted, even if they sing on the stage, they will not be transmitted and the audience will not accept them.If you don't understand the meaning of the words while listening, they won't be transmitted as expressions.
-How does being Japanese affect your success as a sensei?

Hadama I am the only professor of Japanese vocal music at the Italian National Conservatory.Voice is based on words, isn't it?Italian singers take pride in the fact that vocal music can only be understood by them.Why do Japanese teach bel canto?The wall was very big.I had to study about 10 times more than other people.I think that the idea that you can't sing an opera if you don't understand all the nuances of words is correct, but why do foreigners teach Italians?There were many obstacles to getting over the wall.Most of the students are Italian, so how do Japanese teach when they first come into contact with me?I often have a suspicious attitude, but as I teach, I realize how rich I am, and then, on the contrary, Hadama sensei. If you don't, you will be told that you don't like it.Why?Is said at first.
-But it's nice to be trusted while teaching!I heard that some students have nominated Hadama sensei from the time of admission.

Hadama Some people have nominated me since they came to study abroad.You can choose a professor at graduate school.Many Italian students choose me.I'm really happy about it.Hooray!It's like that (laughs).There are about 15 students in total, but there are also 3 Japanese students.Students from all over the world, including Italy, Romania, Finland, Brazil, China and Argentin.There are fewer men, because there are more women singing songs.At the last summer school, I came from 12 countries.I asked each of them to sing the nation (laughs).Later, all of them were made to study and enrolled in the Santa Cecilia Conservatory.It is very international.The main fields of study are opera and songs, German songs, and French songs at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory.
-The disadvantage as a Japanese person is that you have overcome it yourself.

Hadama I hope that's the case (laughs).Even so, I still have Japanese habits, and I'm careful not to do it on stage, but I think I'm Japanese in my daily life.I think I have already overcome my physical movements, but my mentality.
-You keep being serious and honest (laughs), it's already a demon and a gold rod! What is vocal music / song for sensei?

Hadama Well, by studying vocal music deeply, my horizons have expanded to other fields.I think that you will be able to really understand or understand literature and science.If you study very deeply in one genre, you will gradually understand other genres.At first, I was only interested in music, and I wasn't interested in anything else, but now I naturally want to know about history, science, etc., and I have studied anatomy very much.I feel like I've learned about various genres.
-It's going to be deeper and wider.

Hadama Even though I thought I was doing it only deeply, it was spreading before I knew it.That's right for me.I think it depends on each person, but vocal music is the root of everything.
-Can you tell us if you have any musical dreams for the future?

Hadama I have a big big dream (laughs)!There are very beautiful opera theaters all over Italy, but quite a few are closed. There are many beautiful theaters, large, medium and small, built in the 1700s and 1800s, and I would like to use one of them for the opera season.It's a waste not to use it! My dream is to open one theater and have my opera season.And every year there, a new singer will be able to make his debut ... It's a big dream.Actually, I have already searched for a sponsor, but now the economic crisis is terrible and everyone has no money (laughs).I'm waiting for the timing.
-Students debut and play an active role ...

Hadama It's a dream to invite a large number of various critics, managers, and agents to listen to a lot of singing voices and make one of them debut all over the world.
I myself have retired from the stage.
I cannot balance teaching and being a singer.Because the singer has to think only about himself.I had a singer activity and a professor activity at the same time for the first year or two, but I realized that I couldn't do that.
As a singer, 24 hours is too little to study what to watch out for, what to express, what to show to the audience, I have to take care of myself. It doesn't hold.
However, in that state, the attitude of giving something to the students is not born at all.It feels like I'm going to teach just to get a salary.A teacher gives you everything you have and what you have.So I stopped singing altogether.You are not a good teacher unless you give everything that you have experienced and enriched.
It's not at all compatible for me.I'm always studying, I study when I hit a new song, but it's just to give it to my students.It's not for me to sing on stage.
Right now, a lot of students are following me. It is said that I have never met sensei who wants to give a lot of things, experience, and everything like sensei.I want to give all the things I have to the students.
-It's very valuable to the students!I see people who are compatible with sensei and singers in various places, so I thought it was a standard thing, but when I heard about sensei, it was a scale from my eyes.

Hadama For me, it's strange to be able to balance the two.The personality of the work is completely different.
As a sensei, my dream is to have a season, which is a big dream (laughs).If it can be realized, I will invite you!
-Thank you!What is the secret to working as a teacher in Italy?

Hadama Language is completely yours.Otherwise, you won't be able to interact with the students.And if you don't have about 10 times as much wealth as Europeans, you can't do it.They naturally have a cultural background in their bodies, and for us it comes from the outside, so I think it's no good if you don't study all the time.Studying includes feeling the culture.Going to many exhibitions and watching theater is an important study, isn't it?In addition to studying at home, studying history and learning anatomy, going to museums to see the historical differences in fashion is also part of my study.It's all about everyday life.
I'm always thinking about what to teach my students (laughs).In Japanese culture, especially philosophy, Zen and Judo / Kendo can be very helpful in developing concentration.I started when I came to Italy, but Japan has various philosophies and systems to strengthen my concentration.
-If you have any advice, not only in Italy but also for those who are thinking of going abroad to study, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hadama First of all, studying the language of the study abroad destination and finding a good sensei. If you choose the wrong sensei, you won't grow.
-What are the options for choosing sensei?

In the case of Hadama song, after one lesson of 50 minutes or 1 hour, you can tell if your throat is tired.The throat doesn't get tired, the body feels good, it's a good sensei.With a bad sensei, if you let me sing for an hour, I can't make a voice, my throat hurts, and my body gets tired.It's a matter of technique, a matter of vocalization.It doesn't vary from person to person.Inhale and exhale, and if done correctly, you will never get tired.Also, be sure to enter the National Conservatory wherever you go.There are many competitors, there are many opportunities to meet people, there is not only singing but also instrumental music, music history, musicology must be studied, various inspirations will be received, human beings will be enriched. is.At national schools, most of the professors are very well scrutinized and teach with a long career, so I think the level is still high.Also, if you have a desire to study abroad, please start as soon as possible.The younger you are, the softer your muscles and head, so you have a lot of absorption.It's better to be as soon as possible.If you really want to finish college, you're just barely 1 years old, so please come in a hurry.
-Are there any handicap in age?

Hadama If you're good at it, it's sometimes better to be younger to get a good manager.After all, depending on the age, the manager may decide that, for example, if you are 30 years old, you have little time to make money as a singer, because the problem of money always comes with you (laughs).The younger you are, the longer you are active, so it is realistic for managers to try to find a younger one.
-I see (laughs).Are there many Japanese students in the city of Rome?

Hadama Milan has more, isn't it about five times as large as Rome?However, it is very difficult to enter the Verdi National Conservatory.The entrance exam for the Roman Santa Ceceria Conservatory is also difficult, so I think most of the students spend their time on private lessons, but it's a waste.
-Because of your visa, individual lessons alone are very difficult.

Hadama That's right.If possible, go to a private conservatory and get a visa ...If possible, it is better to enter the national government and get a visa easily, but it will take at least 5 months to prepare for the entrance examination.There is also a language test, so before the test, you need to come to the site, raise it to the level of the music school you want to enter, and manage to get into the school, which requires 5 months in advance.I think it's just as difficult no matter where you go.
-When deciding where to study abroad, sensei was only seen in Rome, Italy.

Hadama That's right.I felt good listening to the Italian opera and wanted to sing it (laughs).Milan has a bad climate ... it's cold, it's humid, and the air is bad (laughs).There is a lot of traffic in Rome, but because it's near the sea, the air is clean and the sea breeze cleans up, and there's a lot of sunlight (laughs).The Conservatory of Music in Milan is also very good.
-I enjoyed talking with you.Thank you very much for your busy schedule today!
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