
Poland flag

Poland is located almost in the center of Europe and has historically been a bridge between eastern and western Europe.In Warsaw, the capital, Gniezno, Płock, etc., you can see the heavy cityscape influenced by Catholicism and Russia, and if you step out of the city, you will be left with untouched nature.The name of the country is said to be from the ancient word meaning "plain", and many rivers flowing through the plain form the shape of the land peculiar to Poland.The custom of generously entertaining guests from afar, who were brought up in places where various ethnic groups come and go, creates an environment that is familiar to both tourists and international students.On the other hand, from the history of being involved in the wars and conflicts of neighboring countries in the east and west, the spirit of chivalry remains strong, and it also has a proud national character with a lot of patriotism.Chopin, the "piano poet" who settled in France after leaving his homeland Poland and died in Paris, said he never forgot his homeland.

Basic Information
Official country name & English notation Republic of Poland
capital Warsaw
area 32.3 km2 (about 2/3 of Japan)
population Approximately 3,889 million people (2012)
Race Poles (about 97% of the population)
言语 Polish
Religious Catholic (about 88% of the population)
currency Zloty (also known as Zloty)
Exchange rate 1 zloty = about 33.7 yen (January 2014)
bill 10zl, 20zl, 50zl, 100zl, 200zl
coin 1gr, 2gr, 5gr, 10gr, 20gr, 50gr (gr is the sub-currency Groschen)
Voltage 240V, 50Hz
jet lag Minus 8 hours.7 hours time difference during daylight saving time.The summer time period is from 3:2 am on the last Sunday in March to 00:10 am on the last Sunday in October.
Holidays (2014) 1/1 ニュー・イヤーズ・デー、1/6 公現、4/20 復活祭(1日目)、4/21 復活祭(2日目)、5/1 メーデー、5/3 憲法記念日、6/8 聖霊降臨祭、6/19 聖体祭、8/15 聖母昇天祭、11/1 万聖節(死者の日)、11/11 独立記念日、12/25 クリスマス(1日目)、12/26 クリスマス(2日目)
Number of Japanese residents Approximately 1,182 people (as of October 2012)
Phone country code 48
Emergency phone number Police: 997 (112 from mobile phone), Fire: 998, Emergency: 999

物 価
GDP $ 14,241 billion (2001) (about 0.3 times that of Japan)
GDP per capita Approximately $ 12,537 (2012: IMF)
economic growth rate 2.0% (2012: IMF)
Price increase rate 3.7% (2012: IMF)
Unemployment rate 10.3% (2012: IMF)
Major trade items (1) Export machinery / equipment, transportation machinery, foodstuffs, etc. (2) Imported machinery / equipment, mineral fuels, base metal products
Major trading partners (1) Export Germany, UK, Czech Republic, France (EU about 7%) (2) Import Germany, Russia, China, Italy (EU about 5%)

The weather in Poland is capricious and can change significantly during the day as the moist air from the Atlantic Ocean and the dry air from the hinterland of the European continent collide in the sky. There is also data that 1% of the year is cloudy, and the rainy season is mainly summer.
● Spring (end of February-April)
Spring in Poland begins in the west of the mild oceanic climate.The latest in the vicinity of Svarstizna, spring finally begins at the end of March-early April.
● Summer (May-August)
June is the rainiest month, and the humidity is high in the summer.The average maximum temperature in Warsaw is 6 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature is 24 degrees Celsius, making it relatively easy to spend.
● Autumn (September-November)
September has the fewest cloudy days, and you can enjoy the remnants of summer and the freshness of the autumn sky. Warsaw had a maximum temperature of 9 degrees Celsius and a minimum temperature of 9 degrees Celsius in September. Mid-September is called "Grandma's Summer", and it is the season when the autumn leaves progress in the heat of the summer.
● Winter (December-February)
The highest temperature in Warsaw is 5 degrees Celsius and the lowest temperature is -2 degrees Celsius.The coldest part is the Suwalki region, where the average temperature in February is -4 degrees Celsius.There is a lot of snow, and there is a record that snow remained until June.
Current weather Find more about Weather in Warsaw, PL

visa Visas are not required for short-term stays not exceeding 90 days, except in certain cases such as working or studying abroad.Student visas must be obtained in advance at the Polish Embassy in Japan.
Passport Remaining period is 3 months + staying days or more required

Government agencies in Japan such as embassies
Embassy of the Republic of Poland Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Japan
153-0062-2 Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 13-5
Tel: 03-5794-7020

Local Japanese Embassy
Embassy in Poland Embassy of Japan
Ul.Szwolezerow 8, 00-464, Warszawa, Poland
Tel: (48-22) 696-5000, 696-5005 (Consular Section)
Fax: (48-22) 696-5001, 696-5006 (Consular Section)

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