Learn sound recording, which is known throughout the United States, as well as playing and training teachers.
At the University of Massachusetts Lowell, which offers pioneering courses and has a proven track record, we will study new technologies and academics and aim to become a professional required in the present age.
■ General school information ■
The University of Massachusetts Lowell was founded in 1975 by the integration of Lowell State College and the Lowell Institute of Technology Lowell Institute of Technology.Both became one of the University of Massachusetts in 1890, inheriting the history and traditions of the two predecessors founded in the 2s.Currently, there are more than 1991 students and about 14,000 faculty members. It has 1,400 colleges and offers about 6 degree courses in a wide range of fields such as humanities, science, engineering, and management.We have a good reputation for academic education by excellent faculty members. In the US News & World Report magazine, it is ranked in the top 88 of American Research Universities. The Faculty of Music prepares excellent educational programs based on traditional training, incorporating new techniques and academics.It is attractive to be a professional who can meet the needs of contemporary music.In particular, the field of sound recording technology is known for being the first American university course and master's degree award.In the music education and music business as well, we have a proven track record by providing programs ahead of other universities.In the university course, we offer BM degree acquisition courses in performance (instrumental music, vocal music), music teacher / lecturer training music research, music business, and sound recording technology.In the graduate program, you can earn an MM degree in music teacher / teacher training, music education, and sound recording technology.If you want to become a music teacher, pay attention to the joint course that you can get BM and MM in 5 years. Facilities include practice rooms and classrooms, as well as studios, labs, concert halls and recital halls equipped with the latest equipment, all equipped to satisfy students' curiosity.The easy access to Boston, world-class musician faculty, and a wealth of music events are some of the attractions of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell.
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University of Massachusetts Lowell, Department of Music Faculty of Music, University of Massachusetts Lowell
■ Genre ■
Classical, jazz, sound recording technology, music business
■ Major ■
Woodwind, Wind, String, Piano, Pipe Organ, Guitar, Percussion, Voice, Jazz (Guitar, Bass), Music Research, Music Teacher / Teacher Training, Music Business, Sound Recording Technology, Music Education
■ Course ■
--Undergraduate (university course) Bachelor BM: Bachelor of Music Bachelor + Master BM / MM: Combined Five-Year Bachelor's and Master's Degree Program
--Graduation Master MM: Master of Music
■ Admission time ■
Autumn and spring
■ Course period ■
Bachelor: 4rd year Master: 2 years * Bachelor + Master's joint course is 5 years
■ Audition ■
Live screening, musical grammar test (however, the test does not matter whether it passes or fails) For MM Music Education, submit a resume, report sample, and essay (for those who have a certificate of completion of education) MM Sound Recording Technology is a skill-based recording medium and document submission
■ Eligibility for admission ■
Bachelor: High School Graduation Qualification, TOEFL, SAT or ACT, Essay Master: Bachelor, TOEFL, GRE or GMAT MM Sound Recording Technology must have passed the MM: SRT entrance exam.
Bachelor: Recommended up to 12 months before admission date Master: Rolling Admission
■ Others ■
(XNUMX) School admission conditions and fees may vary depending on each customer's conditions, so please contact And Vision. (2010) Information as of November 10.Information may change depending on the year and local circumstances, so please contact the And Vision Counselor for the latest information.
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