Music masterclass

A master class by professors from well-known music colleges and conservatories held all over the world throughout the year.The period is about 3 days to 2 weeks.It covers all musical instruments such as piano, violin, and vocal music, and the genre is not limited to classical music.

Information on overseas music courses
Information on overseas music courses
This time, we will introduce popular music courses in a few countries.There are many other training courses besides those listed, so if you are interested in any country or training course, please contact us!
Summer course Winter class Master class Training session
Berlin String Orchestra Audition Preparation Course
Berlin String Orchestra Audition Preparation Course
Master class for orchestra audition measures held by a German stringed instrument production company
A high-level master class held for 3 days for each instrument from summer to autumn.This program is perfect for those who want to join the orchestra.
from March 2017th to May 7st
Master class for orchestra audition measures held by a German stringed instrument production company
A high-level master class held for 3 days for each instrument from summer to autumn.This program is perfect for those who want to join the orchestra.
from March 2017th to May 7st
List of all music study abroad programs